PAIS Workshop Stanford

Scholars from around the world gathered for the first official Philosophy, AI, and Society (PAIS) Workshop at Stanford University on January 27th and 28th. The program featured 24 presentations on a wide variety of topics including online privacy, speech muffling on digital platforms, fairness metrics for algorithms, the impact of video deepfakes on evidence, moral self-correction in large langue models, the ethics of future porn, and many more.

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Ethics for AI, EventsJ Stone
Fair ML Book Workshop

Brian Hedden of the ANU and Katie Creel of Northeastern University organized a workshop on Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities on January 23rd at Stanford University. Fairness and Machine Learning is co-authored by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, Arvind Narayanan.

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PAIS Workshop Stanford

This upcoming PAIS workshop—sponsored by the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford and the Machine Intelligence and Normative Theory Lab and HMI project at ANU—seeks to bring together philosophers addressing important normative questions about the ongoing impact of artificial intelligence and related applications of digital technologies on society.

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